Special edition 2007

Internationale Implantatstiftung

Wir sind eine gemeinnützige und wissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Stiftung des Privatrechts, die Patientenerfahrungen und Ergebnisse von
Zahnimplantat-Versorgungen nach Knochenaufbau
erfassen und bewerten möchte.

Ziel ist die Erstellung einer Studie zur dentalen Versorgungsrealität in Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz.

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Internationale Implantatstiftung München

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After four years: Good prospects for basal implants

Neither patient age, sex, jaw region, residual bone height, existing periodontitis or type of prosthesis have an impact on the success of BOI®-Implants

The four-year follow-up of the exclusive application of basal implants (Diskos®, BOI®) in consecutive patients, often with the most difficulties of histories, show that there are no patient-related factors that have a significant negative statistical effect on the high success rate of BOI®. This is the result of a clinical study in Germany.

88 consecutive patients were treated with Diskos®/BOI® over a period of four years, with subsequent follow-up. The survival probability even increased with actual time in situ of the implants. The survival rates of implants that functioned for more than half a year was 96%; for two and more years it was over 98%; and in the group of implants that were used for more than three years 100%. The highest risks associated with these implants exist during the phase of healing and production of the prosthesis. At an average total survival rates of 95.7% in both jaws, the risk of loss is more likely to be lower than with crestal implants. The analysis of the results in terms of initial bone status, that is, whether the implant was placed into healed bone, or simultaneously into the sockets of just removed teeth or teeth with periodontitic involvement, showed no significant difference. The results were even slightly better in the group where implants were placed in regions with periodontitic involvement than in healed bone. A diverse range of examples represent all possible fixed indications, ranging from a single crown to a circular bridge, and increasing survival rates are found with increasing size of the construction. The only significant factor was the number of disks (94.9% for a single disk vs. 96.6% for implants with several disks; p=0.043). In addition, it is noted that 85.8% of the implants used had a vertical total height of no more than 8 mm, a size that is associated with significantly worse clinical results for other implant designs.

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