
Internationale Implantatstiftung

Wir sind eine gemeinnützige und wissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Stiftung des Privatrechts, die Patientenerfahrungen und Ergebnisse von
Zahnimplantat-Versorgungen nach Knochenaufbau
erfassen und bewerten möchte.

Ziel ist die Erstellung einer Studie zur dentalen Versorgungsrealität in Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz.

Einsender (Patienten u.a.) erhalten eine fachliche Einschätzung und Bewertung, kostenfrei und vertraulich.

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Internationale Implantatstiftung München

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Who we are

The International Implant Foundation IF® is THE competent body for dental implantology and has specialized already for a number of years on methods which help to get patients their fixed teeth back instantly.

The IF® is a medically-guided, not-for-profit organization, formed by a global network of surgeons and prosthetic therapists, and the premier education, innovation, and research organization for the treatment with oral implants in a functional immediate loading protocol.

The Foundation issues its own scientific journal in oral and maxillofacial implantology: CMF Implant Directions®. This journal appeared for the first time in the year 2006. The advisory board of this journal includes leading implantologists and maxillofacial surgeons from around the world.
Since 2006, the foundation's scientific council has regularly published consensus documents on modern technologies in the field of immediate functional loading. However, these documents are not static, as they are updated regularly. Thus, on the basis of scientific research, information on technical possibilities and a vast clinical experience the documents are constantly updated and the information available is made available to the public.

The IF® is also involved in education. The board of teachers provides information to a large number of practitioners worldwide. Teachers hold every year one international meeting, and they meet regularly in online conferences to exchange their ideas and this way they update their teaching technique and keep the material updated. Many of our teachers are regular professors in well reputed Universities.

Many of the IF® teaching events are designed to update the authorisation for those medical devices whose usage is limited to specially trained treatment providers.

Only real research yields progress!

The scientific advisory committee of the International Implant Foundation IF® consists of leading implantologists and scientists from Germany, Europe, India, Russia and America. The close cooperation between scientists and practising implantologists ensures that new but proven findings benefit patients as soon as possible.

A particular focus among the activities of the International Implant Foundation IF® is the promotion of scientific research. We prefer to fund simple “out of the box” projects which make sense.

Our scientific board

Members of the scientific board for implantology guide the education for young implantologists and they work on consensus documents. The consensus commission never sleeps. It constantly analyses new developments and sets the standards which are worldwide accepted.

The patient board

The patient board consists out of interested patients, which unite their forces to promote modern dental implantology in an immediate functional loading protocol. The board advises patients and future patients and it supports the spreading of information between all involved parties. This enables the IF® to influence the technology which is used on themselves. In a way the patient board also has a supervising responsibility on individual treatment providers and on the development of the devices used and the technology.

Our community

The IF® has established specialty areas for Corticobasal®, maxilla-facial-basal and prosthetic reconstruction. The IF® clinical divisions and clinical unit continually redefine the state of the art in their fields, maintaining activities in research, development, clinical investigation, innovation, and education.
Our first and primary activity and at the same time our principal interest is TO HELP others.

Here, we would like to thank all our donors and volunteers. Especially we do thank the volunteers who make it possible for the International Implant Foundation IF® to support promising research projects as well as the science as such. Our special thanks goes to the “Head of Dental Implant Faculty” who coordinated the world wide activities of the IF®.

Financial donations

Die IF® nimmt keine Spenden im Wert von mehr als 200 Euro entgegen um ihre Unabhängigkeit zu bewahren.

Intellectual donations

Intellectual donations given by any person who is interested to support the goals of IF® are accepted without limit. Intellectual donations are really appreciated because they come really from the heart and the brain.