
Internationale Implantatstiftung

Wir sind eine gemeinnützige und wissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Stiftung des Privatrechts, die Patientenerfahrungen und Ergebnisse von
Zahnimplantat-Versorgungen nach Knochenaufbau
erfassen und bewerten möchte.

Ziel ist die Erstellung einer Studie zur dentalen Versorgungsrealität in Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz.

Einsender (Patienten u.a.) erhalten eine fachliche Einschätzung und Bewertung, kostenfrei und vertraulich.

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Internationale Implantatstiftung München

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129 results:
11. Version 3  
1. Consensus on Basal Implants (Version 3, May 2015) Due to the development of the surgical techniques and medical products and with regard to changes in the nomenclature, the International…  
12. Version 4  
1. Consensus on Basal Implants (Version 4, June 2018) Due to the fact, that medical devices and methods of their application are developing, also considering new developments in the nomenclature,…  
13. Consensus Papers  
IF® Consensus Documents  
14. Special edition 2007  
After four years: Good prospects for basal implants Neither patient age, sex, jaw region, residual bone height, existing periodontitis or type of prosthesis have an impact on the success of…  
15. Research  
The scientific advisory committee of the International Implant Foundation IF® consists of leading implantologists and scientists from Germany, Europe and the USA. The close cooperation between…  
16. About us  
It also addresses the issue of patient information on strategic implantology. The IF® ensures, in an appropriate and balanced manner, the participation and participation of national users in the…  
17. About us  
The IF® creates the framework and the platform for pooling activities around the world by unifying and spreading the knowledge and experience of strategic implantology as the most modern, effective…  
18. About us  
About us The IF® is a nonprofit and neutral organization. It ensures the independence from manufacturers and interests of dentists associations. It is committed to rationality and evidence and at…  
19. Organization  
Scientific Advisory Committee The scientific advisory committee of the International Implant Foundation IF® was established in 2006. The membership of the committee includes highly-qualified…  
20. International Implant Foundation IF®  
Who we are The International Implant Foundation IF® is THE competent body for dental implantology and has specialized already for a number of years on methods which help to get patients their fixed…  
Search results until of 129